by sageage | Aug 24, 2015 | News
When 77-year-old Mike Stollmeyer and his wife went to South America at the end of June, it wasn’t strictly for sight-seeing. Mike has been swimming competitively for about fifteen years, and he made the trek to Colombia to swim in the Pan-American Master’s...
by sageage | Aug 24, 2015 | Life at East Ridge
While there are many thrift stores in Miami, the Ruth Kinsman Thrift Shop within the East Ridge at Cutler Bay retirement community is unique in both its merchandise and staff. The thrift store was recently featured in the Miami Herald. Solely run by a team of resident...
by sageage | Aug 5, 2015 | Life at East Ridge
Lee Goldsmith, 92, sat in front of a full auditorium at East Ridge at Cutler Bay on Saturday and told the story of how he started his career in the comic book industry. The East Ridge staff put together the event to honor Goldsmith — who lives at the retirement home —...
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