There’s no greater joy in life than to follow your heart’s desire. For Julanne Weisberg, she expanded on her interests of writing, nature and meditation when she moved to The Village at Gainesville in November 2017.
A Sunday drive leads to a new chapter
Living comfortably in a single-family home in Gainesville, Julanne wasn’t ready to move to a retirement community, but when her daughter-in-law suggested they take a drive to The Village at Gainesville, Julanne agreed. “The campus was filled with beautiful oak trees with Spanish moss hanging from the limbs,” Julanne explained. “I said to my daughter-in-law, ‘I could live here.’”
The next day, they arranged a tour of The Village at Gainesville and soon after, Julanne found a one-bedroom apartment at the Lake House with tranquil views of shimmering water. “I didn’t have to talk myself into the move,” Julanne said. “Once I saw my apartment, I knew I could live here comfortably.”
Following her intuition
Julanne believes, “You must head your soul to what you love.” Once settled into her new home, she continued her love of gardening and secured a gardening patch on campus. Julanne also approached the community’s communications director about writing a blog for the community. Receiving an enthusiastic nod of approval, she now writes a weekly blog called “Julanne’s Village Jewels,” which is available on The Village at Gainesville’s app or here. In the blog, she writes about anything that comes to mind. “I use my intuition and let ideas flow through me,” Julanne said. “I really look forward to writing it every week.”
In fact, Julanne appreciates how staff members at The Village at Gainesville are open to her ideas. For example, soon after moving in, she hosted a series of talks on how to create organized spaces based on her earlier career as a professional home and office organizer.
Leading a purposeful life
Next on her list of purposeful quests is to establish a meditation group. “I want to be with like-minded people who are open to what I have to offer,” Julanne explained. Recently, Julanne’s daughter, who was visiting from California, offered to lead a meditation class for a few of Julanne’s friends. “It was so successful,” Julanne said. Although early in its inception, she hopes to continue the meditation group as a way to practice mindfulness and share personal thoughts.
Julanne also finds time to teach a poetry class on campus. Once a month, she leads participants in observational writing known as “small stones.” Similar to a haiku in length, but less structured, this approach in writing encourages the use of the six senses.
In addition to enhancing her mental and spiritual well-being, Julanne believes in maintaining her health. Every week she takes a stretch and balance class, and she walks the path around the lake. She also uses the campus’ fitness center and plans to add water aerobics classes to her schedule.
Through her blogs, poetry classes and meditation sessions, Julanne hopes to leave a lasting effect on others. And just as important, she has remained true to her authentic self since moving to The Village at Gainesville. Her advice to others who are considering a move to a retirement community is this: “Follow your intuition to where you want to live, and who you want to be with.”
To find happiness in any of your pursuits, request a personal appointment and tour The Village at Gainesville today. Or, reach out to us at 352-548-3507. We’d be happy to answer your questions.
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